Linde GmbH Eesti Filiaal
Linde Engineering Tallinn branch office is our knowledge center for IT and supply chain management services.

Established in 2019, “Linde GmbH Eesti filiaal” is Linde Engineering’s branch office in Tallinn, Estonia. It brings together an international team of experts and specialists to provide IT, logistics and supply chain management services supporting Linde Engineering’s global Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) operations.

R&D and Shared Services Grant Awarded to Linde’s Tallinn Office
Enterprise Estonia awards shared services and research and development grant to Linde GmbH Eesti filiaal, a branch office of Linde Engineering in Tallinn, Estonia.
Aim of the Project:
The aim of the project is to further develop and expand Linde Engineering competence center in Tallinn, Estonia, dedicated to supporting Linde Engineering’s global operations spanning IT systems administration, logistics and supply chain management.
Project Summary:
The project will increase the volume and value-add of services delivered and exported from Estonia. The existing team is further expanded by recruiting and onboarding new highly qualified employees.
The grant in the amount of EUR 128,054 was awarded by the European Regional Development Fund.