Data Privacy Notice for Linde Engineering Supplier Connect Portal

With the following data privacy notice, we would like to inform you about the processing of your personal data by Linde AG, Linde Engineering, Dr.-Carl-von-Linde-Str. 6-14, 82049 Pullach/Germany (in the following “Linde Engineering”) for the purpose of the Linde Engineering Supplier Connect Portal (in the following “Linde SC Portal”).

I. General Information regarding Data Protection at Linde Engineering

1. Controller

The controller responsible for the processing of your personal data in the sense of data protection law is Linde Engineering.

The Linde Engineering Team is available to answer all your questions regarding data protection at Linde Engineering by e-mail. You can contact the Team under the following address:

2. Your Data Privacy Rights

In connection with any processing of personal data by Linde Engineering, all data subjects have the following rights pursuant to Articles 15 to 21 EU-GDPR - within the statutory limits of the member states:

  • Right to information;
  • Right to correction;
  • Right of deletion;
  • Right to limitation of processing;
  • Right to data transferability;
  • Right of objection.

Furthermore, you have the right to revoke your consent to the processing of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. Such revocation has no effect for the past, i.e. it does not affect the effectiveness of the data processing carried out up to the revocation. If you are of the opinion that the processing of personal data by Linde Engineering is not in accordance with the data protection regulations or you are not satisfied with the information provided by us, you have the right to file a complaint with the competent supervisory authority (see Art. 77 EU-GDPR).

3. Transfer to Third Party Countries

In international projects, as is the rule in the engineering sector, data within the project teams must also be transferred to so-called third countries (non-EU). Where this is the case, we take appropriate measures to ensure an adequate level of data protection for your personal data.

4. Storage and Retention Periods

We process personal data only as long as it is necessary for the fulfilment of our contract obligations. As soon as the data concerned is no longer required for this, it is generally deleted. However, in order to comply with certain legal requirements, we must store some data beyond the termination of contractual relationships. This includes commercial and tax documentation, evidence and storage obligations. In these cases, we are generally required to safeguard or store data for three to ten years, or in rare instances, e.g. in legal disputes for up to 30 years.

II. Processing of Personal Data by Linde Engineering for the purpose of the Linde SC Portal

Our suppliers are as diverse as we are. To conduct our complex international business, it is necessary to process personal data.

1. Type of Personal Data processed by Linde Engineering for the purpose of the Linde SC Portal

We process personal data only to the extent necessary to fulfil our contractual and legal obligations in connection with the business relationship with our suppliers and partners. “Processing” means that we collect, store, delete or transfer personal data, to list a few examples. Personal data processed by us includes:

  • Master and contact data of suppliers, such as name, address, telephone number, e-mail address, etc.
  • Supplier relationship management information, such as order history, etc., as far as it concerns the data of a natural person;

We regularly receive the personal data processed by us within the Linde SC Portal. In some cases, we also receive personal data from affiliated companies of Linde Engineering, e.g. contact data from suppliers within Linde Engineering’s supplier relationship management. In some cases, we also process personal data that we have received within Linde Engineering, in accordance with the applicable data protection laws.

2. Purpose for Processing and Legal Basis

We process your personal data only for permitted purposes and in accordance with the applicable legal provisions of the EU-GDPR and relevant national data protection laws.

2.1 We process Data to fulfil our Contractual Obligations
We process personal data to fulfil our contractual obligations towards our suppliers or to carry out so-called pre-contractual measures, which take place upon a specific request. In these cases, the purpose of data processing is determined by the contract we have concluded with our suppliers and services that are provided under this contract. This also includes, for example, the processing of personal data in the context of sending catalogues, information on our services or the preparation of specific offers.

2.2 We process Data to protect Legitimate Interests
We also process personal data insofar as it is necessary to safeguard the legitimate interests of Linde Engineering’s companies as well as our costumers (and, if applicable, other third parties). Where this is the case, we process personal data only after due consideration of your relevant interests. In particular, the following legitimate interests are pursued with the operation of the Linde SC Portal:

  • improve the order processing
  • improve the contract performance
  • secure the data exchange between Linde Engineering and the supplier
  • transfer of personal data within Linde Engineering for internal administrative purposes.

2.3 We process Data to fulfil Legal Obligations
We are required to process certain data in order to comply with legal obligations. Such obligations may arise from certain provisions of national commercial, trade, tax and social law as well as European legislation, e.g. in connection with regulations to avoid the financing of terrorism. In detail, this may also result in obligations for Linde to safeguard, store, report and collect data, which generally serve control purposes from the respective authorities.

3. Categories of Recipients

Within our company, those bodies and departments receive personal data that they need to fulfil the aforementioned purposes. In some cases we use various types of service providers and transfer your personal data to other trusted recipients. These can include:

  • Training service provider
  • IT service provider
  • Lawyers and courts
III. Use of Technically Necessary Cookies for the purpose of the Linde SC Portal

The purpose of using technically necessary cookies is to make it easier for you to use the Linde SC Portal. Some functions of our Linde SC Portal cannot be offered without the use of cookies. For these functions to work your web browser has to be recognized even after a page change. Your personal data will not be processed in any other way. The data will be erased as soon as the storage is no longer necessary to achieve the purpose for which the data was collected; this happens, in particular, as soon as the relevant session has ended.

Information regarding your Right of Objection

You have the right to object at any time to certain types of processing of your data for reasons arising from your particular situation. This right applies to data processing in the public interest and to data processing to protect legitimate separate interests. This right also applies to profiling, insofar as it is based on these two provisions.

In the event of a contradiction, we will cease processing your personal data. However, this does not apply if we can prove compelling reasons worthy of protection for the processing, that outweigh your interests, rights and freedoms, or if the processing serves to assert, exercise or defend legal claims.

Your objection does not require any specific form and can be e-mailed to us at: with a copy to