BioLNG Plants

Featuring best-in-class efficiency, easy operation and standardization.

LNG plant in Bergen, Norway
LNG plant in Kwinana, Australia

Linde has extended its StarLNG® product portfolio to optimally serve the evolving BioLNG market, which requires best-in-class efficiency, easy permitting, easy operation and standardization. This latest addition to the portfolio features a gas expander-based process based on Linde’s proprietary integrally geared machines.

Complementing our refrigeration and liquefaction units, Linde also offers feed gas pretreatment for pipeline gas (“balanced biomethane”) as well as upgrading and purification of biogas to genuine biomethane. You can also rely on Linde for LNG storage and loading, utilities, CO2 purification and liquefaction. Our scope of service ranges from the supply of prefabricated package units or skids for refrigeration and liquefaction only up to full EPC responsibility for your project.

Key Features

  • Best-in-class efficiency
  • 10–20% better than existing N2 expander processes for minimum OPEX
  • Lowest equipment count with one proprietary compander providing full N2 refrigeration cycle service and feed gas compression (if required)
  • Easy permitting and operations thanks to pure N2 refrigeration cycle, eliminating need for hydrocarbon refrigerant make-up or import
  • High flexibility and easy adaptability to feed gas composition and pressure level with one standardized process topology
  • Three compander frame sizes supporting liquefaction capacities from approx. 100 tpd to 400 tpd (6,000–25,000 Nm3/h) in one single train
  • Highest quality standards with design, engineering, manufacturing/assembly
  • Testing of key components, namely compander and coldbox with plate-fin heat exchangers, at Linde’s own, in-house facilities and workshops
  • One-stop shop for process design and key components, ensuring optimum utilization and alignment, short delivery times and full control over the supply chain for the most critical plant components

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